This the season to prepare your home for the summer! With the warm weather (finally) upon us, it’s time to see how your house stood up to the chilly winter season.

Taking the time to inspect the general condition of your house post-thaw is necessary in preventing potential complications. And if you do happen to find anomalies, you’ll want to call a reliable construction contractor to address them.

To enjoy the warm weather worry-free, follow these home-preparation steps.

Check the condition of your roof

During winter, it’s common for ice to accumulate along the edges of your house or even inside your roof. As the ice melts upon spring’s arrival, water can seep into your home

To prepare your house for the summer, check the following:

  • Roof covering: some shingles may be damaged, which can lead to water accumulation in your attic. If you have a flat roof, consider adding asphalt and gravel.
  • Roof flashing: Flashing plays a vital role in preventing water leakage. If you notice a crack in the flashing, address it immediately! Also, watch out for rust.
  • Attic: To prevent heat build-up in your roof during the summer, ensure that your attic is well ventilated. Also, remember to have your insulation inspected for next winter (don’t wait—get it done while it’s still warm out!)

Above all, never hesitate to call a contractor if you notice cracks or any questionable anomalies on your roof.


Take a look at your foundation

When preparing your home for the summer, be sure to inspect your foundation:

  • Outside the house: pay attention to cracks in the concrete. Even the smallest ones can cause long-term damage.
  • Inside the house: check the bottom of your walls (including the basement walls). If you notice a certain unevenness or buckling due to the humidity, it’s time to call in a professional.

During your inspection, remember to check the condition of your home’s drainage system.

Inspect your ventilation

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be checked at least once a year. Make sure to do so before the first heat wave!

Among the things you should inspect:

  • Stove hoods
  • Bathroom vents
  • Central ventilation
  • Ventilation ducts
  • Ventilation filters

Pay attention to exterior siding

Preparing your home for the summer also means monitoring the condition of the wood, bricks, stones, or other materials that make up your exterior cladding (siding). Keep an eye out for cracks in your siding, both inside and outside of your home.

Also check:

  • The condition of masonry joints
  • Warping near windows or at the bottom of walls
  • Warped cladding
  • Rust (if your coating is steel)

Also, check if the sealant on your windows is adequate. And most importantly, use a home improvement contractor if you notice a major problem with your exterior or interior cladding.

Inspect your gutters

When was the last time you checked your gutters? This oft-neglected task is a crucial step in preparing your house for the summer.

Cleaning your gutters in the spring and fall protects your home from seepage, keeps your foundation dry, and avoids spills. During the next heavy rainstorm, you’ll be glad you did it!

Habitation Plani-Conseil: Experts who help you breathe easy

Habitation Plani-Conseil has the knowledge and experience you need to tackle these projects before summer is in full swing.

Our seasoned professionals take on jobs of any size so you can kick back and enjoy the warm weather!